Friday, October 28, 2011

Observation: Week #5 (week 6 in class)

This week in observation the children were all excited about Halloween! They talked about their costumes and trick-or-treating. This was another day that was different than the usually routine of the classroom. When they split up into centers and free choice, one of the options was to help bake cookies for the bake sale! most of the children were excited to help, and they were patient with taking turns. I did notice that the children were a lot more excited about baking the cookies versus the muffins from a week or two ago. I was thinking that it was because they probably bake cookies with family at home more so than muffins. The way they took turns with pouring and mixing and listened carefully to the Aid's instructions amazed me. I think that when kids are really focused and interested, it is much easier for them to cooperate. The way they used listening skills and small motor in mixing the dough was consistent. This time they were able to use eye-hand cordination with making cookie dough balls with a spoon and putting them in a line on the cookie tray. They had a lot of fun!

If I were the teacher in the classroom, and had to make the plan for tomorrow, I would introduce small amounts of money. Since they are going to sell these cookies and muffins on friday for 25 cents each, I would introduce the dollar bill and what goes into it. For example, 4 quarters equals one dollar, and two cookies equals 2 quarters so they would need 2 quarters back for change. They will use the play cash registers and pretend money (for practice). Maybe another option would be to play shopping or grocery store that day. The children seem excited to sell the cookies to the parents and other students!

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