Friday, September 30, 2011

~Reflection/Impression on my Lab week~

*So far, I have observed for two weeks (days) in Lab. At first I thought it was going to be somewhat difficult to get all the information needed for each observation assignment, but I was wrong. I seem to get down what I need fairly quickly. I usually have an hour or so extra to just observe and watch the children with out thinking about what to write or jot down notes. It is kind of relaxing just to watch the children.

*I'm in Room 5 (Mrs. Kathy Black), which is a half day. My scheduled time is from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Wednesdays. The only issue I have with this is that having free time from 11:30-12:00 because the children already have left for the day. during this time I do look over my days notes, and observe the other classroom outside once my classroom teacher/aid are done with clean-up. From the 8-8:30 free time before the children arrive, I jot down what the activities are that the teacher is setting up and preparing for the day.
*One situation that I observed this past week was about half of the class helped the T.A build a block tower to make ledge for the tubes used as a race track. About 2 or 3 kids stood near the block tower and helped hold the tubes, while 2 kids held the basket at the bottom of the track for the cars to land in. Then 2 other children raced their cars from the top of the track and watched to see who one that race.

[Child #1] "watch mines go down, I'm going to win you"-says the child on the right side of the track
[Child #2] "no my blue car is faster"-the other child responds back to the previous comment made
(My response (in my head) while this was happening was that how different their comments were. The second child had more of a descriptive answer than the first child. Then I realized child #2 was also 4yrs old and child #1 is 3yrs old. ---The difference between ages show how differently they developed. this shows that the older child is more descriptive with their words than the younger child.

*If I were the teacher of the classroom and had to plan an activity for the next day that would further the development that is happening in this current situation I would prepare an activity involving Color Identification. This activity could consist of preparing the activity before the class begings (so that it is set up already & saves time for the activity) then possibly reading a story at the begining of the day that has to do with colors in some way. Next, move on to introducing the activity, mabe show an example or the steps that would be done. Then I would watch the children interact and construct the activity given. (Helping those who need assistance)

~Overall this past two weeks have been very informative and definitely shows me how funny it is to watch and listen in on the children's actions and conversations. I wonder what next week will have in store.~

Happy Friday! :-)


  1. I loved to build things with the children when I had to observed but interacted with the children as well unlike what we are doing now. In Mrs. Silvia's class at the CDC PCC I don't know how many times I built blocking one on top of the other and since I'm talking the children gave me every block they could find to put on their tall tower. Then I had to have them be patient and wait till I said it was ok to crash the tower, then it was "let's build it again" and I'd say "let's go higher"! lol Really fun if you could see it in action.

  2. hey juliann yes I enjoyed my time for the two weeks also. I thought it would be hard but it got much easier to understand how I was observing and what I was observing as a teacher myself I learned a whole lot and gain some good ideas for my own classroom settings that was encouraging to me. the center is very creative with setting up their classroom and setting up the centers for the children to explore and have fun while they're playing

  3. Juliann I can say that last week was pretty much better when I went to observe. it did not take me that long to write down things that I saw. the center have a lot of good centers and areas for children to learn and explore at play within the classroom and outside the classroom.

  4. hey juliann girl I had missed last week to go to obsevation but i made up oct 2oth and I am going mon for the 1make up day. but on oct 20 was a smooth quick day observing I thought it would be hard but I had time to observe and get a lot of information on the children at play and them communicating with eachother. I like the center because they set up so many good centers for the kids to play in like the dramatic play are I like how they set up the living room they had couches and tables set up like a living room and the kids enjoyed pretending to sit down and watch t.v. or reading a book. one of the kids said, " I am about to relax and watch t.v." that was so funny to me watching them at play.

  5. hey Juliann girl last week was fun I had to do make up I went to straight days the kids were talking about costumes. Halloween and their treats they had at home. it was a smooth observation I had so much to write about. the kids were making leave collages and singing the song "we all play together".
