Thursday, December 1, 2011

Last Week in Observation!!! (WooHoo)

Okay Ladies, We Did It!!!
I know we all felt the same way toward the middle of the semester, "When will this end?" hahaha We survived though!

Knowing that this observation was our last, it seemed that the time went on forever, but when it was done, it was sorta of sad to know we will miss these children that we've grown to each individual's personalities and expressions. I sort of let my self do a little interacting with one child since I knew this was the last day, and she was playing alone. It felt pretty good to see her smile and not have to direct her away from me. Just like weeks before she tried to bring me some food she made from the kitchen area. I took the meal and pretend to eat it, and boy did he eyes light up. She then smiled and ran to get the cash register. She stumbled and dropped it a few times, but eventually was successful. As I observed other children and took notes off and on, I played along with her. She handed me money, and wanted me to pay for the food. She was too cute, and I noticed she wasn't as "active" like other weeks that i've observed her. Maybe all she needed was some one-on-one time.

To extend this activity, i would include a grocery store shopping activity with the whole class. This would consist of paper money (monopoly) and things that they would see in the store would be displayed around the class. The children could go around with bags or baskets and do a mock-shopping spree. They then would be able to purchase the items that they chose. This would help them get the idea of domestic skills and it would be something different that they've never done.

Though out the whole semester i've definitely have connected with them and have some sort of attachment with them; even though I really didnt get a chance to physically interact with them.
I have seen a lot of the children make growth whether it was physically like motor skills and activities out doors, or socially and talking a lot more to their classmates. Its crazy to look back at the beginning and think how awkward they were when I was in there, and now how easy going the class was toward the end. This opportunity of observation was fun, yet informative. Although, it will be nice to not have to wake up so early every Wednesday!! :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS LADIES!!